Tuesday, March 1, 2011

One-man team

One bad result and a man looses it all. The world as it were instantly changes to be rosy nomore, the morning breeze doesn't refresh him, the minor insignificant arrays of everyday trite happenings suddenly feel like omens pointing to an impending armaegeddon. The boss's word seems much more demeaning, career seems more so to be headed nowhere and no amount of the pretty company can make for a merry proposition. Life just ceases to exist, at least till the next weekend.

This my friends, is the fate of a sports fan. Its his bane. A person who finds a divine connection with a sport and more so with a team and in due course of time begins to live their successes and more often than not, to suffer their defeats as well. The effect that his favorite sport team's loss can have over a man's life is amazingly significant. Irrespective of the numerous achievements, just one simple defeat, even deserved as it may be and definitely regardless of the importance of the match, is all it takes to throw the fan into a desperate complex sets of conundrums.

But it is this roller-coaster ride, within which he tries to live his own fantasies. Of this search for perfection, for success, for glory. He breathes and lives as his team and the team as him. His desperate want of being more than he is, of achieving more than he thinks he could, he puts his hope nah his spirit into a team. This team then becomes his passion, his sweat and through his distant passive implicit involvement limited only to defending his team's glory (in debates, in fights and more), he becomes the most crucial cog in his team's wheel, perhaps even more, he becomes the team itself.

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