Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The last few days have been nothing short of irksome at the least. All of a sudden, everything has lost the meaning I thought existed. Its not one particular thing, just an amalgamation of a no. of things - a change that has been reflected in every eon of my life.

Things which didn't make a difference earlier, no longer seem avoidable. Can't help it , they just become so overpowering, that the feelings pent up inside me. and with all of this 'm still looking for ways to get the things I always wanted subconsciously.

Life on one hand seems a lot less fun without the things or the people i have got used to, but what bothers is that on a certain level I don't want to be perturbed by anything. Does that make me any less human, or someone who wants what he thinks is sacred or divine.

One question or thought and countless reactions, some alike others very different. The choice is governed more by circumstances and comfort than by righteousness, but then again so does the definition of right.

From one paradox to the another, that is how my thoughts are, intermingled adjoined sans any individuality.

Sometimes things seem too complicated to be a fact and my imagination has lost its wind, for all that concerns me is the stark reality of life that strips me of any ideals that I ever believed in .

Got two options - either pretend or not care.